Emergency Assistance In Cardiac Arrest

Defibrillators are generally used to regain the rhythm of a heartbeat; these are used for emergency purposes to attend the patient of cardiac arrest. It helps to save the lives of many even outside the hospital with immediate assistance. Defibrillators Australia are a short-term solution as it only gives the patient enough time to reach the nearest hospital for proper medical treatment. Automated external defibrillators are usually placed at public places in access of the general public to use in case of emergency. It is easy to use and doesn’t require extensive training or can even be used, bystanders.

AED is very helpful where no immediate medical assistance is available. In most of the cases, when people face heart arrest and not treated on time, this condition can lead to the death of the victim. After taking into consideration the immense importance of external defibrillators, they are commonly available at the crowded areas to provide emergency assistance in emergencies from anyone nearby.

AED is the simplest form of defibrillators and it is user-friendly. It guides the user with the voice signals and the written instructions which helps the attendee to save someone’s life with a successful attempt of the defibrillator. These are battery operated; very light in weight and can move anywhere they are needed. Initially, the device checks the rhythm of the heartbeat and analyzes the need for assistance the person requires. If it founds any disturbances in heartbeat, the signals communicated to the user that the patient needs an electric shock to bring back the normal rhythm of the heart and the device immediately prepare to deliver the shocks to the patient.

The person who is going through cardiac arrest needs assistance within 10 minutes otherwise delays can cause death or permanent impairment of brain and other organs because irregular heartbeat causes to stop the blood supply to the organs. That is why these defibrillators are designed in a way that can be easily used to deliver immediate assistance to the victim without any unnecessary delays. However, there are some instructions which are needed to be considered before any action:

  • If you found someone in unconsciousness or fainted, just make it sure that if he is suffering from the cardiac arrest or not
  • Move the person or shake him to ensure that he is not sleeping, be careful in the case of a young kid or child
  • Feel the pulse and analyze that if he has irregular or absence of a pulse
  • Call the emergency number for the immediate assistance

Prepare AED for the action and read the instructions to properly treat the patient. Place the electrodes on the chest of the person by following the given information, the device will analyze the heartbeat and transfer the electric pulse accordingly. Afterward, the device will instruct the user to start CPR after its action is completed.